March 15, 2023
Fresh 48 Newborn | Little Rock, AR

One of the many ways to document the birth of your new baby, a fresh 48 newborn session captures your sweet bundle in those first 48 hours after being born. We captured Nolan with his Mom and Dad at Baptist hospital before they go home to be a family of four with his sweet older brother.
You value natural, unposed, real-life moments full of love and connection.

My Fresh 48 Sessions are the most heart melting, magical sessions I do. I am a ball of excitement the morning of a Fresh 48. I could photograph these special moments together as a family all day, every day. These sessions are not about having the perfect outfit or having your hair & makeup on point. These sessions are about love and EMOTION.
You want to remember every little detail.

You’ll look back at these photographs and remember the feel of your baby, breathing in their fresh smell, feeling their downy hair tickle your nose when you press kisses to their head, and the pure joy of seeing your husband hold your newborn for the first time. Just how tiny they look in the bassinet swaddled in that white, pink, and blue hospital blanket. These are raw, fleeting moments that you’ll want to remember for the rest of your life.
Meet Nolan.
Nolan was born on Friday, March 10, at 7.5 pounds and 20 inches to Cody and Shelby. I think he just the sweetest little thing, but I may be biased due to him being family. I was so excited to get to meet him, and I can’t wait to hear his little voice call me “Aeshish” (just like his brother). After I got in some cuddles, we wrapped him and started his session in his bassinet. Not long after we did, the pediatrician came in. After he got a good report, we got a few crying faces because after all that is the true representation of life with a newborn. Mom took some time to soothe a fussy baby, and then we finished up our session.

Newborn session or Fresh 48 session?
Many families feel like they need to choose between a Fresh 48 or an In-home Newborn Session. But with my new Fresh 48 Mini Add-on you can easily do both! This way your baby is captured in all their newborn glory and you will have the story of your hospital stay. Then 2-3 weeks later you also get a styled version after you’ve had some sleep and have settled into a routine.
When you book your Newborn Lifestyle Session don’t forget the Fresh 48 Mini add-on to receive a discount! Contact me for a consultation to receive all the details.